Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Day of Miracles

I wake today with miracles correcting my perception of all things. And so begins the day .... –A Course in Miracles

I woke up today with miracles on my mind. And in my heart. I don’t know what this day will bring, but I know it will be good. It started with a quick trip to the dentist to file off a rough spot on my tooth that my OCD tongue wouldn’t leave alone. In an instant my tooth was smooth. A miracle!

I came home and picked blueberries and raspberries in the garden to put on my cereal. I ate my cereal on the patio as I watched that naughty squirrel on the bird feeder. I have moved the feeder away from all the bushes, I have put a squirrel guard on the post, and still I find him nestled in sunflower seeds. I don’t know how he gets up there. A miracle! At least to him.

The day seems full of promise and possibility. I don’t wake up every day feeling this way, but I did today. A miracle for sure.

Last week I took my son James to see the Broadway musical The Lion King. We had seats on the main floor on the aisle not far from the stage. When the music started, the animals marched in from side doors down the aisle to the stage. If you have seen the show or any ads or news about the show, you know that the costuming is magical and the actors are channeling the animal spirits.

The animals paraded right by us. When the elephant lumbered by, James turned to me with eyes so wide and a smile brighter than the stage lights and whispered, “Is that a real elephant?” A miracle. I wept with delight.

Albert Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. You can live as if nothing is a miracle, or you can live as if everything is a miracle.”

I am going to try today to appreciate all the miracles. My word of the year – attend – will be a good reminder (Word of the Year).

Look with your eyes and hear with your ears, and pay attention to everything I am going to show you, for that is why you have been brought here. Ezekiel 40:4.


  1. This reminds me of a favorite song from the musical "Flower Drum Song"

    A Hundred Million Miricles

    My father says that children keep growing,
    Rivers keep flowing too.
    My father says he doesn't know why,
    But somehow or other they do.
    --They do! some how or other they do.--

    A hundred million miracles,
    A hundred million miracles are happ'ning ev'ry day,
    And those who say they don't agree
    Are those who do not hear or see.
    A hundred million miracles,
    A hundred million miracles are happ'ning ev'ry day,

    --Miracle of changing weather:--
    When a dark blue curtain is pinned by the stars,
    Pinned by the stars to the sky,
    Ev'ry flow'r and tree is a treat to see,
    The air is very clean and dry.

    Then a wind comes blowing the pins all away,
    Night is confused and upset!
    The sky falls down like a clumsy clown,
    The flowers and the trees get wet.--Very wet!--

    A hundred million miracles,
    A hundred million miracles are happ'ning ev'ry day,
    And when the wind shall turn his face,
    The pins are put right back in place!
    A hundred million miracles,
    A hundred million miracles are happ'ning ev'ry day!

    In ev'ry single minute so much is going on,
    Along the Yangtse Kiang or the Tiber or the Don.
    A hundred million miracles!

    A swallow in Tasmania is sitting on her eggs,
    And suddenly those eggs have wings and eyes and beaks and legs!
    A hundred million miracles!

    A little girl in Chungking, just thirty inches tall,
    Decides that she will try to walk and nearly doesn't fall!
    A hundred million miracles!

    A hundred million miracles, a hundred million miracles,
    A hundred million miracles are happ'ning ev'ry day!

    My father says the sun will keep rising over the eastern hill.
    My father says he doesn't know why but somehow or other it will.
    --It will! somehow or other it will.--

    --Miracle of making music:--
    When an idle poet puts words on a page,
    Writes on a page with his brush,
    A musical friend writes the notes to blend
    Suggested by an idle thrush.

    Then a young soprano reads what they wrote,
    Learns every note, every word,
    Puts all they wrote in her lovely throat,
    And suddenly a song is heard!
    --Very Pretty!--

    A hundred million miracles, a hundred million miracles,
    A hundred million miracles are happ'ning ev'ry day!

    xoxoxoxoxoxo Linda

  2. What a delightful song. A hundred million miracles indeed! Thanks for sharing these lyrics!


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