Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Change Your Life in One Minute

Grab a pen and paper and a timer. Okay, for one minute list all the things you are grateful for. Ready, set, go!

Stop! How many did you list? If you can think of that many things in one minute, how many other things could you list in a longer period?

More importantly, how did you feel for that one minute when you were making your list? Were you angry? Whiny? Probably not. Maybe you were even smiling. Gratitude will soften anger, counter complaining, comfort sadness, and lift our spirits.

Now that the minute is over and you are looking at your list, how do you feel? Still grateful? That’s the gratitude afterglow.

This is an easy technique to use anywhere and anytime. I used it most recently when I was stuck in a situation I was eager to get out of. I was starting to get fidgety and grumpy. I looked at the clock and for one minute I mentally listed things I was grateful for. At the end of the minute, I had relaxed, and if I was still not enthusiastic, I was at least pleasantly and comfortably resigned to being patient with a good attitude!

One minute is a small investment in what could be a major shift in your perspective. Give it a try and let me know if it works for you.


  1. With an attitude of gratitude it's impossible to have a lousy day! :-)

  2. This is a great idea Galen.....I have kept a gratitude journal for years. It has helped me tremendously.



  3. I use this technique each night before bed as I give thanks for all my blessings. It always works.

  4. This is an awesome idea. I know that I am happier when I have a more thankful heart.
    Blessings to you for a uplifting and inspiring post!

  5. Hi Galen
    Great post loved the exercise, keep it up
    Kind Regard Mel

  6. darlin--That's a great saying. We should all put that on our refrigerator!

    Jo--A gratitude journal is a wonderful idea!

    Kara--I bet you have sweet dreams after that joyful bedtime practice.

    LeAnn--There is a definite link between happiness and gratitude.


  7. Galen,
    I would like to feature you and this post at the beginning of November to go with Thanksgiving. This is a great idea!

    Let me know your thoughts on this.

  8. A gratitude afterglow....that is a beautiful image.

  9. Great idea... think I'll do it with the kids too.

  10. Bob--Thanks. I like that image, too.

    BM--Great idea to do it with the kids! Family habits of gratitude will create a strong foundation for your kids. Let me know how that goes!

  11. Hey Galen. I know the power of being grateful (only really discovered it in the last few years), but it's something that I need to remind myself to do everyday.

    Thanks for the post.


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