Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Soft Word

A soft word turns away wrath.... –Proverbs 15:1

My daughter called me the other day, all upset because someone had been rude to her on the phone. She was going to have to talk to this woman again to get some information, and Mia was already agitated and defensive about the prospect. I would like to say that I imparted some great wisdom to her, but I was in a hurry and sort of brushed her off.

Later when I came home, Mia was chatting amicably on the phone. After she hung up, she told me that she was talking to the woman who had been so rude earlier.

Please click here to read the rest of this post at Vidya's most excellent blog, Going A-Musing.

related post: Speak Wisely


  1. Great post. I am sharing this with my children. You always seem to hit the nail right on the head. Hope you have a great day.

  2. That indeed was a wonderful post Galen. I already left a comment there yesterday...simple and so beautiful :)

    Thanks for sharing it with all of us here.:)

    1. Harleena, Thanks for your comment on Vidya's blog and also the FB link.

  3. "Everything we do or think or say is one of two things. Everything is either an expression of love or a call for love." Wow. What a great way to think about my interactions with others. Thank you for this insightful post.

    1. Kim, That lesson from A Course in Miracles has been very influential in my own life. When I can remember it, I can almost always shift my experience from discord to peace. Thanks for commenting.

  4. So happy to have you over, Galen. Thank you for weaving your word magic over at my place today! Loved the post! Hugs!

    1. Vidya, It is I who am grateful to you for your gracious invitation. And of course for the inspiration for the post!

  5. It is amazing what can happen when you project the behavior that you wish to receive.

    Thank you once again for the reminder that the path to true enlightenment is paved with baby steps.

    1. Suzanne, Yes, those every day little encounters offer us opportunities to practice deep lessons. Thanks for commenting.

  6. Just wanted to wish you, Galen, and your family a wonderful Labor Day. The soft word for today is relax.

    1. Bob, A word I had trouble applying, as you can see from my more recent post! But I did relax quite a bit at the cabin, it's true. Hope you had a great weekend, too.

  7. Another lovely post from you, Galen. I am excited for your book to come out. I do think that approaching struggles with kindness, love for others and respect goes a long ways to solving many encounters.
    Blessings for your wisdom!

    1. LeAnn, Thanks for the kind and encouraging words. I'm excited about the book, too. I am waiting for my first copy of the finished product! Thanks for commenting.


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