Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fabulousity Factor

You might not know what that is yet, but I intuitively know that you want to have it! I know this because my intuition has been freed and magnified by reading The Intuition Principle, by Angela Artemis, author of the blog Powered by Intuition.

The Intuition Principle is what connects us to our true spiritual nature. It unlocks our destiny and guides us from the source of our inner wisdom, our global mind or Greater Intelligence. When we live by it, we experience the Fabulousity Factor, where “serendipity and synchronicity are constantly working in your life, producing wonderful coincidences that solve problems or bring answers you need.”

The great news is that this wisdom is innate in all of us. Angela’s book helps us recognize various forms of intuition, expand our own intuitive skills, and apply them in our lives with deep and lasting benefit, to us and to the world.

When I started reading this book, I got chills – no kidding. Angela’s words resonated so strongly that my body vibrated in response. But don’t dismiss this as woowoo magic. Einstein himself, in one of the many memorable quotations in the book, said that our intuition is a sacred gift. Indeed, Angela’s explanation and teaching of the Intuition Principle are impressively grounded in research and science.

But don’t forget the fun! Before I read the book, I understood the connection between intuition and wisdom, but I didn’t understand fully the connection between intuition and joy until Angela explained it. Then is was so obvious. In fact, one of the main benefits to living by the Intuition Principle is increased joy and well-being. The fun starts with a pop quiz to see how intuitive you are. But don’t worry! You’ll see that you already are using your intuition, even when you don’t know it. For example, you might think of someone who then calls unexpectedly, or you make a choice that doesn’t have an obviously rational basis but turns out exactly right. Angela encourages us to view the development of our natural intuition not as a chore but as a great adventure.

So how do we embark on this adventure? The book is chock full of practical exercises and guided meditations. Instructions are clear, and progress can be easily achieved and verified. If you try even some of her suggestions, you will see results. There is no way to fail.

Yet we do encounter blocks to intuition, for example, the need to be right, or the need to control. These jumped out at me because they are also blocks to experiencing joy. These and other blocks are based in fear. Angela gently guides us through steps to acknowledge and release the fear, so that our intuition (and joy) can flow freely.

And once your intuition is flowing freely, it will guide you to your greatest passion, your highest purpose, and your most authentic life. Furthermore, Angela explains how en masse, this will change our world as we evolve from the Age of Technology to the Age of Intuition. As a person still trying to figure out Facebook and my new TV, I can’t wait for that!

So, using my newly developed intuitive skills, here is what I know:

1. You will love this book.
2. It will change your life.
3. After we all read it, our collective fabulousity factor will light up the world.

Click here to buy your copy!

related posts: Falling Away; Mushroom Experience


  1. Sounds like a marvelous read, Galen! My intuitive sense is, thankfully, well developed and I am enjoying life so much more because of that.
    Blessings to you and thanks for a wonderful post!

    1. Martha, I used to always override my intuition until I finally figured out that it was a lot smarter than my rational mind! Glad you already figured that out. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Dear Galen,
    I'm so glad you found the book so useful and even "life changing!" I'm truly moved by your beautiful words. I do hope everyone will read it or at least download the free bonus materials and listen to some of the recorded guided meditations from the book.
    Thank you again for being part of the book tour.

    1. Angela, Your book is wonderful and was a pleasure to read and write about.

  3. Hello Galen,
    Thanks for the review of Angela's book - I have read one on The Bridgemaker, Hans of Harmony and yours - thank you and I'm all about using my intuition for when I don't use it - I seem to get into a brief period of "OH OH"...


    1. Nancy, It's fun to read different perspectives on Angela's book, isn't it? There are also some great interviews. Thanks for your comment.

  4. Great review, Galen. I love Angela's ability to give down to earth examples and advice on how to use and develop our intuition. You wonderfully articulate the very real and practical uses of intuition. I like to say that 'if it ain't practical — it ain't spiritual.' This reminds me that a successful life journey is a spiritual journey, and a spiritual journey requires practical common sense. The great truths of the ages appeal to our intuition and are useful in our daily affairs.

    1. rob, I am going to use your saying--I love that! I've always said about my 10 steps habits that if we can't weave them into our everyday lives they aren't going to be helpful. I love your way of saying it so much better! Thanks!

  5. Yes, amazing book indeed by the wonderful Angela. I love your review, Galen.

  6. Oh Galen your review is fabulous and as I have just finished reviewing another fabulous book about how we can individually work towards World Peace (It is the last book on my list from the publishers) I will order Angela's book from your site and review it too...
    I love using my intuition and it serves me well, but wow fear does really constipate the flow.

    Thanks for your always good words...and sharing Angela's lovely thinking and ideas in such an enthusiastic manner

    1. Patricia, I'm sure Angela will appreciate another review. I'm sure you will like the book. Thanks for commenting.

  7. Hi Galen -- I'll check out Angela's book. Thanks for plugging it. I take a somewhat different approach to connecting with happiness, but intuition's definitely part of it.
    I'm glad to find your site - keep up the good work!

    1. Jeffrey, I'd love to hear more about your different approach! Hope you will elaborate. Thanks for the kind words.

  8. Galen: I will check it out, because I trust your insight. I'll even give it a good review, because I'm sure I will find it to be worthy. As a side note, however, I don't want to change my life. Is that a negative concept?

    1. JJ, No, that is not negative! That means that you are already where you want to be. That's a positive concept! I'm where I want to be, too, so I should have been more careful about using that phrase. But even though my intuition is pretty well developed, I still learned so much from Angela's book. Thanks for your comment.

  9. Hi Galen,

    I've read several great interview of Angela's new book, but this is the best one so far. I really appreciate how it approaches the book from a different angle and interlocks it with joy. "Serendipity" and "synchronicity" were like a magnet for me. I'm excited that you found Angela's book so uplifting and practical. Here's to joy!

    1. Sandra, Yes indeed! Thanks for your compliment and for your comment.

  10. Galen, great job encouraging us. This book seems right up my ally. I use intuition all the time to make each decision and flow in and out of everything I do. It does bring an intense amount of joy.

    1. Jodi, I had not made that connection before, but I can see now that developing a more joyful spirit goes hand in hand with trusting our intuitive knowledge. Thanks for commenting.

  11. Hi Galen,

    Whenever I think of the word intuition, I cannot help but associate it with Angela and her Powered by Intuition blog. Truly, she is an expert on all things intuition.

    I have always been interested in wisdom. But for a long time I never realized that we all have access to the universal wisdom through our very own intuition.

    Angela has helped me to realize how to better access my intuition and hence the universal wisdom on how to manage life better. And in the process of doing so, joy and well-being comes naturally.

    Thank you for sharing this lovely review! I am sure readers can see clearly how they will benefit from reading the book now.

    Irving the Vizier

    1. Irving, I hope Angela sees your comment--she'll love it! Thanks for commenting.

  12. Sounds like a must read book, I think I would love it. One thing you pointed out that is a block to using our intuition that I thought was amusing, at least for me, is fear. This is probably the fourth time today I've read something about fear, and not letting it hold you back.

    1. Alecia, Hmm, maybe your intuition is trying to tell you something! Thanks for commenting.

  13. Galen,
    I am loving the great conversation here! @Alecia - fear is a huge intuition blocker. The more fear we have the less likely it is that we will hear our intuition.

    There is one thing that happened to me years ago that changed my relationship to fear (this is not in the book). I was driving - I was a sales manager then so I drove 1000s of miles a week and I got lost. I was so scared and panicking and of course panicking led me to make more wrong turns and get more lost. Suddenly I felt this "calm" wash over me. I was completely free of my fear and I heard, "Stop and ask for directions."

    I started laughing right after hearing that. I realized at that moment that life didn't have to be so scary and that when we make mistakes all we have to do is "stop and ask for directions." Since that day I no longer panic and allow fear to get the better of me. If I make a mistake - I just fix it and go on my merry way!~

    1. Angela, So glad you are enjoying the discussion. If you didn't already read it, be sure to read Irving's comment above. That one is especially for you!

  14. I might have to check this out. I learned, years ago, to not only tune in to my intuition but also to listen to it. It was not an easy lesson. The book sounds like it can take me even deeper!

    1. Pam, Yes, I think it can. Like you, I have learned to trust my intuition. Even so, I still have lots to learn and the book gave me some great insights and ideas. Thanks for commenting.

  15. I agree with what Pam said...it's taken me awhile to really listen to my gut and to trust it. And yet too often I still dismiss it as nothing....Great review on the book...

    1. Yes, it took me a long time to trust my gut over my head. Thanks for commenting.

  16. Sounds like a great book. I need to check at my local library to see if they have it. A great summer read!

    1. Yes, it was published in hard copy before. You'll enjoy it!

  17. Yes listening to the gut can take some time to learn to develop, but once we practice it..it feels more natural! Love this post.

    1. Kim, True, now it seems like second nature. Rather, first nature! Thanks for your comment.

  18. wow! what an endorsement! I am very interested in this topic and often wonder about these things...sounds like some very good insights!

    1. Annmarie, Yes, Angela's book is full of good insights and information and inspiration! Thanks for commenting.


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